This website is intended for persons who desire to know more about God and themselves. All 61 topical Bible studies are written by a born-again Christian; and are free to read, download, translate, and share. These lessons may change your life for eternity! Click on each lesson graphic to access the Bible study.
Please   write. I am greatly blessed when I receive comments an d questions. Did you learn something new? Did a topic touch your heart and soul? Do you need prayer? I will only respond if asked. My e-mail address is: UniqueBibleStudies@Outlook.Com ALL FOR HIS GLORY! Harold D. Thomas
Thought-provoking questions are included with each Bible study. The questions are intended for the reader, Bible study group leader, or church pastor. In various parts of the world Christian groups have adopted some of the lessons as part of their training programs.
The Mystery of God’s Heart This Bible study is intended for those who are searching for God. The purpose of the lesson is to learn more about God by exploring the mystery of His heart, and to change our perception of who He is. God’s love is a mystery because man misinterprets His intentions.
Spiritual Servanthood Throughout His ministry Jesus demonstrated and taught spiritual truths to all who listened. However, there is one spiritual truth He revealed directly to His disciples: servanthood. This lesson is intended for Christians who are seeking a deeper walk with Jesus by exploring the spiritual definition of what it means to be a servant.
Heavenly Crowns Even if we do all the right things—but have the wrong intent—what we accomplish will not be spiritually recognized and rewarded. However, when we do even the smallest of charitable deeds—with the right intent—it will be recognized and rewarded by the only One who really matters. This lesson reveals the importance of taking time to consider and evaluate the intent of our heart in we do for Jesus.
Signs The Holy Spirit Is Transformaing Us From Within Sanctification is spiritually defined as a transformational process of being freed from sin, made holy, being set apart (from the world) for God’s special use and purpose. However, it is impossible for us to do this on our own, and requires spiritual intervention by the Holy Spirit to transform a willing heart. As such, this lesson is about signs we can look for that reveal the workings of the Holy Spirit.
The Beatitudes: Indicators and Blessings of Spiritual Transformation Jesus Christ provided us with indicators of spiritual transformation and sanctification—including the associated blessings (referred to as the Beatitudes)—during His Sermon on the Mount. This study explains the spiritual meaning of each Beatitude, and how each Beatitude is an indicator of our spiritual transformation as we are changed from within to reflect our Savior and Lord.
Who Killed Jesus Christ? Some say Jews killed Jesus. Others think it was the Romans. A few think Satan manipulated events to kill Jesus. Although there are excellent arguments to support each belief, these perceptions can greatly benefit from enhanced spiritual understanding. The answer to this question will touch your heart, and the truth will enlighten your soul. For His punishment and death was one of the most painful means of execution ever devised by man.
Spiritual Attributes God Designed Within Us God designed humans with unique spiritual attributes (innate qualities, characteristics, traits, etc.) that are unique to all animal species. This lesson will enhance your spiritual understanding of the intent of God’s design, His desire for each of us, and how these attributes influence who we are and what we do.
Satan’s Lies Every war, every battle, every skirmish, every murder, every argument, every sin, and every caustic word spoken—began as a lie and culminated in spiritual death (separation from God) and/or physical death—because this is the intent of Satan’s lies. For those who are able to spiritually see, what we are witnessing in the world today are the consequences of lies—which are propagated by Satan and his minions (fallen angels and demons). This study will enhanc e your spiritual awareness, and is a must read for all Christians.
Judgment vs. Spiritual Discernment This lesson explores our propensity to judge others via our flesh (including the negative consequences). It also provides a means for self-analysis; and explains how we can seek Holy-Spirit directed discernment.
Worthy There is a significant difference between what humans define as worthy, and the spiritual definition of worthy—because one is based upon lies, and the other is based upon truth. By fully exploring the different facets of the word “worthy,” we will gain a unique insight into the various subliminal influences of human-defined worthiness in our lives, have a greater understanding why we sometimes do what we do—and most important, it will create a greater appreciation of our salvation.
Living Water Jesus said, "He who believes in Me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." (John 7:38) This video explains and depicts how this spiritual transformation occurs within our heart and soul.
Treasures in Heaven This writing is intended for Christians who are serving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (in any capacity and via any means). The purpose of this writing is to reveal the intentions of our heart, the reasons why we serve, and those aspects of our daily walk that may be improved.
How to Lead a Bible Study This lesson is intended for those who have a desire to lead a Bible study, and for those who desire to improve their skills in leading Bible studies. When the flesh steps aside—and an open humble heart yields to the guidance of the Holy Spirit—is when a Bible teacher will see the power of God’s word in action. What’s more, this experience is an indescribable blessing when we are empowered to explain God’s Word and how it relates to the hearer’s heart, walk, life, and eternity.
How to Share the Gospel. There is an indescribable feeling and joy on the inside when we are used by the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel—especially when we witness the “harvest” of someone who is bound by sin discover the power of God’s grace and love, and are radically changed. This lesson provides guidance in how to Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, what to do and not do, describes the concept of planting seeds, how to respond to objections, and much more.
21 Signs of the Last Days is an easy-to-read and easy-to-understand consolidation of last day signs prophesied in the Bible. Each sign is supported by (1) biblical scripture, (2) referenced non-biased sources, and (3) analysis of ongoing volatile changes that are occurring globally.
The Covenant (The beginning of the end.) One of the most important indicators of the end times is found in Daniel 9:27—because it defines the event that will initiate the Tribulation and the last 7 years. As such, every person on earth should know this scripture and actively watch for the fulfillment of this prophecy.
The Great Tribulation and the Sovereignty of Israel When Jesus returns and destroys Israel’s enemies is when Israel will realize Jesus is the Messiah, and will worship Him as Lord. However, to open the eyes, influence the minds, and change the hearts of the Israelites towards Jesus Christ will require a series of unprecedented events that will culminate in the destruction of Israel’s sovereignty. Israel’s demise is prophesized in the Bible, and will occur during the second half of the Tribulation: The Great Tribulation.
Revelation’s Blessings is an exhaustive verse-by-verse in-depth study of the Book of Revelation. “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” Revelation 1:3
Angels, Fallen Angels & Demons The intent of this writing is to replace our conceptual images of angels, fallen angels and demons with definitive scripture-based information that supports a more accurate, deeper and broader understanding of spiritual beings.
God designed our minds with an ability to store and retrieve information and experiences via our memory. Our dependence upon this function is much more important than we realize. Simply stated, it is required for human existence…like breathing. When you think about it, we utilize our memory continuously moment- by-moment. In addition, our memory is a foundational component of our ability to learn, and facilitates decision making. Memories provides a scripture-based answer to the following question: Do our memories go with us when we die?
Is Jesus Christ is the Messiah? Each person must decide: Is Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Messiah, the Anointed One, and Lord—or not? Making a choice is not an option; it was not His intent; and each person’s decision has eternal consequences.
3 Types of Death 1 Source of Life This Bible study provides scriptural evidence there are three types of death: spiritual, physical and 2nd death. Those who are born again will only experience the first two. Those who are not born again will experience all three. This study should be completed prior to reading “What is a Born-Again Christian.”
What is a Born-Again Christian? This Bible study explains why we cannot earn our way to Heaven; expands biblical understanding of what it means to be born again; facilitates self- evaluation; and enhances spiritual growth and maturity in Christ. Note: You should read “3 Types of Death 1 Source of Life” before reading “What is a Born-Again Christian.” “3 Types of Death 1 Source of Life” provides a “broader foundation” for understanding spiritual death and why we need to be born again.
Foundation is comprised of biblically-based foundational principles for Christian living. But more important, Foundation provides the groundwork for an eternal life in Heaven. It is written in a manner that is engaging and appropriate for all persons, including those who do not know Jesus Christ.
“I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 is one of the most important, powerful and thought-provoking declarations Jesus Christ made. But what’s more, He drew a spiritual and eternal “line in the sand” that separated Himself from all other attempts by man to reach God. This Bible study explores His proclamation because it defines His spiritual role between each of us and our Holy God
Truths Declared by Jesus Christ All of mankind should know and understand the words spoken by Jesus Christ—because His declarations were comprised of spiritual truths that changes lives.
8 Steps to Spiritual Maturity This lesson is intended for those who: Would like to learn more about Jesus Christ. Are born again. Desire spiritual growth in Christ. Seek a greater understanding of themselves. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6
Trust Trust explains the interdependence and synergism between four unique spiritual attributes that separate humans from all other living forms on earth: hope, belief, faith—and most important—trust. Trust is the greatest of the four attributes we can give and receive. But what’s more, trust is the bond that enables deep and meaningful relationships.
Body, Soul, Heart and Spirit is written for those who are struggling with their sinful flesh; for those who are tired of the darkness, and bondage, and pain; and for those who desire a behavioral transformation from within. Gaining victory over the flesh is facilitated by understanding the distinct functions of the body, soul, heart, and spirit; by gaining insight into the clandestine works of the flesh; and by a resolute heart.
God’s Grace and the Hardened Heart This lesson explains the functions, characteristics, and consequences of two opposing conditions of our heart described in the Bible: one is a hardened heart, the other is a broken and contrite heart. The intent is to illuminate the importance of being aware of the spiritual condition of your heart; to recognize why we (and others) do what we do; and to witness the transformational influence of God’s grace upon a hardened heart. “Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it spring the issues of life.” Proverbs 4:23
The Power of Forgiveness Forgiveness is more powerful than we realize. However, forgiveness can be difficult because the scars in our heart and soul can be deep and calloused. This writing explains the multiple benefits of forgiveness—and the numerous consequences of holding onto unforgiveness. When forgiveness is based upon a sincere heart and bolstered by the Holy Spirit, it will break the chains that bind you, as it melts away the inappropriate thoughts, undesirable emotions and harmful physical responses.
Free Will God gave each of us the right to make personal decisions that directly impact our lives; including what we do, what we say, what we consume, what we believe, and so forth. This study provides insight into how we make decisions; reveals reasons for past decision mistakes; discusses how to make decisions in the future; and identifies the ultimate consequences for our decisions. A free downloadable Decision Assistance Tool is also provided.
6 Stages of Temptation This is intended for Christian men—all males in their early teens to their late years in life who struggle against the flesh—especially sexual lust. It is also appropriate for women in that it will help in understanding what men go through. But what’s more, this writing is real, raw and revealing because it explores the area where the “rubber meets the road,” and where men’s faith interacts with inappropriate thoughts and behavior.
Emotions Negative emotions of anger, fear, anxiety, and sadness will occur more often as we digress into the last days. This study will assist in identification, management and minimization of the affects of negative emotions.
Temptations, Trials and Tribulations The Bible describes three different types of challenges in life a Christian may experience: temptations, trials and tribulations. All Christians experience temptations and trials, and a growing percentage of Christians are experiencing tribulations in various parts of the world. Unfortunately, some do not clearly understand the difference between a temptation, trial and tribulation. As such, the objective of this Bible study is to define each from a biblical perspective, compare and contrast the differences, and provide spiritual insight into how to persevere.
It’s not about me. Self-centeredness is an undesirable component of our human nature. “Me” is a fundamental source of human motivation; a subliminal influencer of what we think, do and say; responsible for many of life’s challenges; and a source for instability in the world today. For those who seek Jesus Christ…this lesson explains how we can become more like Him…and less like “me.”
Pride Our pride is a “slippery slope” in that it provides a deceitful feeling of pleasure derived from perceived wisdom, strengths (attributes), and/or wealth (possessions). This study will assist in the realization (and heart’s transformation) in that only Jesus Christ is worthy of glory because of what He has done for us.
Backsliding This insightful lesson is for all born-again Christians who have decided to walk away from their faith in Jesus Christ; those who have inadvertently lost their way and returned to their previous life in sin; and those who have a burden for a backslidden Christian who needs help.
God’s 8 Covenants It is prudent to not place your trust in man’s word, and to carefully approach promises with skepticism until proven otherwise. However, from a spiritual perspective, God’s promises (or covenants) are absolute and trustworthy. In addition, the fulfillment of His covenant promises has occurred—and will occur—as He has declared. This lesson is based upon the past and present covenants made by God so that we may spiritually see: (1) how He will fulfill His remaining promises through His Son, Jesus Christ; (2) into His heart, and (3) His desires for each of us.
Rapture A biblical event will occur in the future that will have an unimaginable impact upon earth—for many will disappear in an instant of time. Most of those who remain will be in shock, many will experience fear, and some will also mourn because of who they lost, and because of the grave challenges that are before them. There are three absolutes in the Bible regarding this event known as the rapture: it will occur when no one expects; it will occur in the twinkling of an eye; and no one knows when but God. This short lesson is about the four most common beliefs as to when it will occur, and is relevant for every living person as we continually move towards (and get closer to) the last days.
Satan’s Prison There is a reason and source for all of the chaos in our world. It is caused by a delusional and influential angelic being—who led a heavenly insurrection to overthrow God and take His throne—failed, and was cast to earth as a punishment for his crime. As such, many are not aware that we are living within Satan’s prison—as he seeks to destroy as many as possible while he waits for his final demise.
Unimaginable Darkness Christians must spiritually prepare for unimaginable darkness as the ability of evil forces to influence and manipulate darkened human minds via delusional lies will increase as we enter into the last days. The global influence of evil will magnify beyond logical comprehension as new boundaries of inconceivable behavior are broken. That which seems shocking today will become commonplace as Satan—the abomination who causes desolation—is granted increased power to deceive and destroy.
Spiritual Warfare We have been purchased by the blood of the Lamb and are God’s property. As such, God has provided us with powerful strongholds to use when we engage in spiritual warfare. The objective of this lesson is for Christians to recognize and use what God has given us to become victorious.
Prayer Prayer (or communicating with God) is a critical component of spiritual life. However, many Christians are not aware of the various aspects of effective prayer. This “foundational” lesson discusses the who, what, when, where and why prayer is important for all believers. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7
What is the Spiritual Status of Your Soul? Each of us has a soul that lives within our physical bodies. Our soul is where our mental activities originate. Our soul includes our spiritual heart. Our soul is where our memories are stored. Our soul is where our faith dwells. Our soul is where our sinful nature resides. Our soul is where our conscience is located. Our soul is the source of our wide-array of emotions. Our soul encompasses our spirit. Our soul is expressed by our personality. And each of these components—while separate—are mysteriously integrated as one. But even more important…our soul will never die and will live for eternity in either bliss or torment.
The purpose of this lesson is to facilitate introspection; learn more about ourselves; identify aspects of our soul that are in alignment with God’s will, and determine areas where our soul can improve by becoming less like ourselves and more like Jesus—via the lesson content and with the assistance of a self-analysis tool.
Overcoming Anxiety and Fear During the Last Days As we enter into the last days, we will experience progressive degrees of anxiety and fear as the instability and chaos within the world increases, as our feelings of security decreases, and as we grapple with future unknowns. This lesson defines the key difference between anxiety and fear, and describes different techniques to overcome our anxiety and fear.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Matthew 5:6 Jesus declared those who seek righteousness are blessed—because (1) this desire is not normal to the common person, and (2) it is driven by the influence of the Holy Spirit. This lesson reveals the dynamics that occurs when we hunger and thirst for righteousness, and explains the foundational requirement for attaining righteousness.
Signs and Wonders To overcome our skeptical nature, God has used various signs and wonders to provide tangible evidence that confirms His spiritual authority, truth of what is spoken, and to magnify our belief in Him. However, Jesus warned that during the last days, “False christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24 These miracles will facilitate belief, submission, and worship of Satan and the beast. This lesson focuses upon signs and wonders, and how to identify and discern this powerful and unprecedented form of deception.
The Beast During the last days, a dismal and dark period of time (known as the Tribulation) is when the world will be influenced, dominated, and destroyed by a Satan- empowered person known as the Beast. This lesson reveals what he will do; explains why God would allow the Beast to exist; describes possible ways he may enter into power; lists likely aspects of his persona; and examines the dire and unprecedented consequences of his satanically-driven influence upon the earth—all with the intent of thoughtfully considering what may occur as we prepare for the inevitable.
Wisdom Wisdom is a highly valued treasure that is worthy of pursuit, but few find it because there is only one source: God. This lesson defines the difference between knowledge and wisdom; and compares human versus godly wisdom. For godly wisdom transforms our perceptions from the earthly realm and into the spiritual realm as our understanding and discernment is illuminated by His truths.
Am I Good Enough To Get Into Heaven? This lesson is intended for those who think we can “earn” our way into heaven by good behavior. For in truth, it is impossible to achieve the standards God set for us to enter into Heaven. However, there is one person who met His requirements—who was spotless, perfect and worthy sacrifice—as an atonement for those who fall short of God’s expectations. But what’s more, it’s not about our works…but it’s about God’s grace and our faith in what He has done for us!
As we grow in Christ, our perception of the world around us changes as our awareness of the existence of spiritual darkness is illuminated. From out of the obscure shadows we can increasingly see the influence of Satan’s lies and the multiple consequences of sin—as our empathy, and compassion, and love for those who are lost is magnified—for this is the heart of Jesus. If you have been blessed by this website…please share it with others. I have created short videos and pictures to help generate interest. Click the graphic for more information.
“You did not choose Me, but I CHOOSE YOU.” God searches for hearts to redeem. Those whom He finds He (1) changes the desires of their heart, and (2) prepares them to spend eternity with Him. This lesson explains what happens to those whom God chooses. Give God glory, honor, and praise—who searched our hearts; recognized our potential to love and serve Him; and changed us from darkness into light—for we are chosen and blessed beyond measure.
Are You Missing a Piece of the Puzzle? Similar to self-sustaining animals and plants, God created humans with all of the necessary attributes to facilitate life and population growth upon this planet. However, unlike animals and plants, He designed us with a missing spiritual component: a “piece of the puzzle” that only He can place within us. Those who realize something is missing within their heart and soul are blessed because it opens the door to eternal fulfillment.
Tithe Tithing is much more than giving to a church. Tithing is an act of worship; it is an expression of our love for God; and it is an indicator of spiritual maturity. But what’s more, it “opens the door” to experiencing the multi-faceted blessings of serving others.
If you do not have a Bible. Bible Gateway offers different versions and different languages. My personal preference is the New King James Version. My favorite Bible teacher is Chuck Smith. Chuck left his physical body to be with the Lord in 2013. Fortunately his Bible teachings from Genesis to Revelation (word-by-word, verse-by-verse) were recorded and may be heard by clicking here. I suggest starting with the study of 1 John. I also suggest displaying the corresponding scripture from Bible Gateway on the screen as you listen to Chuck Smith teach. Here is the link to 1 John: click here
How to Study the Bible The Bible is not just a physical book with a cover and printed pages. It is God’s word; it is spiritual; it is a conduit to God; and it is a transformative tool used by the Holy Spirit to prepare Christians for eternity. As such, it is imperative for us to study and internalize scripture—from Genesis to Revelation. This lesson provides an overview of how to study the Bible, and includes a listing of Bible study tools.
EMAIL Requests & Responses This lesson is a compilation of email responses to those who are going through trials and tribulations, and those who had questions related to their spirituality.
The Great Commission It is a wonderful experience to rest in God’s grace, His forgiveness and His love. But there is more to the blessings of Christianity than being forgiven—for these blessings are magnified beyond comprehension when we are used by God to touch the lives of others. This lesson explains the next step beyond salvation. Known as the Great Commission, Jesus instructed us to make disciples, baptize and teach.
4 Spiritual Truths That Determine Where Your Soul Will Spend Eternity There are four spiritual truths within the Bible that illuminates our relationship with God. As such, it is important for all persons to understand each of these four truths—because how we respond to them will define where our soul will spend eternity.
Open Your Spiritual Eyes We are all born with an inability to see spiritually. However, those who are born again will experience an entirely new perspective as the “cataracts” are removed from our eyes so that we can see the influence of the spiritual realm within ourselves, others, and upon the world.
Sanctification God’s Process of Spiritual Transformation Sanctification is a spiritual process of transformation that causes old things to pass away and all things to become new (2 Cor. 5:17). But what’s more, sanctification prepares each Christian for eternity with God. Sanctification begins when we are born again (justification), continues throughout our life (maturation), and is finalized after we physically die (glorification).
Loving God This lesson reveals two powerful spiritual truths for those who seek God. The first is God is a loving God who desires a personal and loving relationship with each of us. The second is loving God in return—with all of our being (heart, soul and mind)—which enables the Holy Spirit to fill us with the fulness of God, and to perfect us in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.
Please write. I am greatly blessed when I receive comments and questions. Did you learn something new? Did a topic touch your heart and soul? Do you need prayer? I will only respond if asked. My e-mail address is:
UniqueBibleStudies@Outlook.Com ALL FOR HIS GLORY! Harold D. Thomas
This website is intended for persons who desire to know more about God and themselves. All 61 topical Bible studies are written by a born-again Christian; and are free to read, download, and share. These lessons may change your life for eternity! Click on each lesson graphic to read the Bible study. Thought-provoking questions are included with each Bible study. The questions are intended for the reader, Bible study group leader, or church pastor. In various parts of the world Christian groups have adopted some lessons as part of their training programs.
If you do not have a Bible. Bible Gateway offers different versions and different languages. My personal preference is the New King James Version. My favorite Bible teacher is Chuck Smith. Chuck left his physical body to be with the Lord in 2013. Fortunately his Bible teachings from Genesis to Revelation (word-by- word, verse-by-verse) were recorded and may be heard by clicking here. I suggest starting with the study of 1 John. I also suggest displaying the corresponding scripture from Bible Gateway on the screen as you listen to Chuck Smith teach. Here is the link to 1 John: click here
Body, Soul, Heart and Spirit is written for those who are struggling with their sinful flesh; for those who are tired of the darkness, and bondage, and pain; and for those who desire a transformation from within. Gaining victory over the flesh is facilitated by understanding the distinct functions of the body, soul, heart and spirit; by gaining insight into the clandestine works of the flesh; and by a resolute heart.
Satan’s Lies Every war, every battle, every skirmish, every murder, every argument, every sin, and every caustic word spoken — began as a
lie and culminated in spiritual death (separation from God) and/or physical death—because this is the intent of Satan’s lies. For those who are able to spiritually see, what we are witnessing in the world today are the consequences of lies—which are propagated by Satan and his minions (fallen angels and demons).
Spiritual Servanthood Throughout His ministry Jesus demonstrated and taught spiritual truths to all who listened. However, there is one spiritual truth He revealed directly to His disciples: servanthood.
This lesson is intended for Christians who are seeking a deeper walk with Jesus by exploring the spiritual definition of what it means to be a servant.
Heavenly Crowns Even if we do all the right things (but have the wrong intent) what we accomplish will not be spiritually recognized and rewarded. However, when we do even the smallest of charitable deeds (with the right intent)
it will be recognized and rewarded by the only One who really matters. This lesson reveals the importance of taking time to consider and evaluate the intent of our heart in we do for Jesus.
8 Steps to Spiritual Maturity This lesson is for those who: Would like to learn more about Jesus Christ. Are born again. Desire spiritual growth. Seek a greater understanding of themselves.
God’s Grace and the Hardened Heart This lesson explains the functions, characteristics, and consequences of two opposing conditions of our heart described in the Bible: one is a hardened heart, the other is a broken and contrite heart.
The intent is to illuminate the importance of being aware of the spiritual condition of your heart; to recognize why we (and others) do what we do; and to witness the transformational influence of God’s grace upon a hardened heart.
The Power of Forgiveness
When forgiveness is based upon a sincere heart and bolstered by the Holy Spirit, it will break the chains that bind you; as it melts away the inappropriate thoughts, undesirable emotions and harmful physical responses.
Free Will God gave each of us the right to make personal decisions that directly impact our lives; including what we do, what we say, what we consume, what we believe, and so forth. This study provides insight into how we make decisions; reveals reasons for past decision mistakes; discusses how to make decisions in the future; and identifies the ultimate consequences for our decisions. ( A Decision Assistance Tool is also provided!)
This writing is intended for Christian men who struggle against the flesh—especially sexual lust. What’s more, this writing is real, raw and revealing because it explores the area where the “rubber meets the road,” and where men’s faith interacts with inappropriate thoughts and behavior.
Negative emotions of anger, fear, anxiety, and sadness will occur more often as we enter into the last days. This study assists in identification and minimization of the affects of negative emotions.
Temptations, Trials and Tribulations The Bible describes three different types of challenges in life a Christian may experience: temptations, trials and tribulations. All Christians experience temptations and trials, and a
growing percentage of Christians are experiencing tribulations in various parts of the world. This Bible study defines each from a biblical perspective, compares and contrasts the differences, and provides spiritual insight into how to persevere.
It’s not about me. Self-centeredness is an undesirable component of our human nature. “Me” is a fundamental source of human motivation; a subliminal influencer of what we think, do and say; responsible for many of life’s challenges; and a source for instability in the world today.
For those who seek Jesus Christ…this lesson explains how we can become more like Him…and less like “me.”
Pride Our pride is a “slippery slope” in that it provides a deceitful feeling of pleasure derived from perceived wisdom, strengths (attributes), and/or wealth (possessions).
This study will assist in the realization (and heart’s transformation) in that only Jesus Christ is worthy of glory because of what He has done for us.
Trust This lesson explains the interdependence and synergism between four unique spiritual attributes that separate us from all other living forms:
hope, belief, faith—and most important—trust. Trust is the greatest of the four attributes we can give and receive. But what’s more, trust is the bond that enables deep and meaningful relationships.
This insightful lesson is for all born-again Christians who have decided to walk away from their faith in Jesus Christ; those who have inadvertently lost their way and returned to their previous life in sin; and those who have a burden for a backslidden Christian who needs help.
Signs The Holy Spirit Is Transforming Us From Within Sanctification is defined as a transformational process
of being freed from sin, made holy, being set apart (from the world) for God’s special use and purpose. However, it is impossible for us to do this on our own, and requires spiritual intervention by the Holy Spirit to transform a willing heart. As such, this lesson is about signs we can look for that reveal the workings of the Holy Spirit.
The Beatitudes: Indicators and Blessings of Spiritual Transformation Jesus gave us indicators of spiritual transformation and sanctification—including the blessings (Beatitudes) during His Sermon on the Mount.
This study explains the spiritual meaning of each Beatitude, and how each Beatitude is an indicator of our spiritual transformation as we are changed from within to reflect our Savior and Lord.
The answer to this question will touch your heart, and the truth will enlighten your soul.
The Mystery of God’s Heart This Bible study is intended for those who are searching for God.
The purpose of the lesson is to learn more about God by exploring the mystery of His heart, and to change our perception of who He is. God’s love is a mystery because man misinterprets His intentions.
Spiritual Attributes God designed humans with unique spiritual attributes. This lesson will enhance your spiritual understanding of the intent of God’s design, His desire for each of us, and how these attributes influence who we are and what we do.
This lesson explores our propensity to judge others via our flesh (including the negative consequences). It also provides a means for self-analysis; and explains how we can seek Holy-Spirit directed discernment.
Judgment vs. Spiritual Discernment
Worthy There is a significant difference between what humans define as worthy, and the spiritual definition of worthy—because one is based upon lies, and the other is based upon truth. By fully exploring the different
facets of the word “worthy,” we will gain a unique insight into the various subliminal influences of human-defined worthiness in our lives, have a greater understanding why we sometimes do what we do—and most important, it will create a greater appreciation of our salvation.
Living Water
Jesus said, "He who believes in Me, as the scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." (John 7:38) This video explains and depicts how this spiritual transformation occurs within our heart and soul.
This writing is intended for Christians who are serving Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord (in any capacity and via any means).
Treasures in Heaven
How to Lead a Bible Study This lesson is intended for those who have a desire to lead a Bible study, and for those who desire to improve their skills in leading Bible studies. When the flesh steps aside—and an open humble heart yields to the guidance
of the Holy Spirit—is when a Bible teacher will see the power of God’s word in action. What’s more, this experience is an indescribable blessing when we are empowered to explain God’s Word and how it relates to the hearer’s heart, walk, life, and eternity.
How to Share the Gospel. There is an indescribable feeling and joy on the inside when we are used by the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel—especially when we witness the “harvest” of someone who is bound by sin discover the power of God’s grace and love, and are radically changed.
This lesson provides guidance in how to Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ, what to do and not do, describes the concept of planting seeds, how to respond to objections, and much more.
21 Signs of the Last Days is an easy-to-read and e a s y - t o - u n d e r s t a n d consolidation of last day signs prophesied in the Bible. Each sign is supported by (1) biblical scripture, (2) referenced non-biased sources, and (3) analysis of ongoing volatile changes that are occurring within our global neighborhood.
The Covenant (The beginning of the end.)
One of the most important indicators of the last days is found in Dan 9:27; because it defines the event that will initiate the Tribulation and the last 7 years. As such, every person on earth should know this scripture and actively watch for the fulfillment of this prophecy.
The Great Tribulation and the Sovereignty of Israel To open the eyes, influence the minds, and change the hearts of Israelites towards Jesus Christ will require a series of unprecedented events that will culminate in the destruction of Israel’s sovereignty.
Revelation’s Blessings is an exhaustive verse-by-verse in-depth study of the Book of Revelation. “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near.” Revelation 1:3
Angels, Fallen Angels & Demons The intent of this writing is to replace our conceptual images of angels, fallen angels and demons with definitive scripture-based information that supports a more accurate, deeper and broader understanding of spiritual beings.
Memories provide a scripture-based answer to the following question: Do our memories go with us when we die?
Is Jesus Christ the Messiah? Each person must decide: Is Jesus Christ the Son of God, the Messiah, the Anointed One, and Lord or not? Making a choice is not an
option; it was not His intent; and each person’s decision has eternal consequences.
3 Types of Death 1 Source of Life This Bible study provides scriptural evidence there are three types of death: spiritual, physical and 2nd death.
Those who are born again will only experience the first two. Those who are not born again will experience all three.
What is a Born-Again Christian? This Bible study explains why we cannot earn our way to Heaven, and expands understanding of what it means to be born again.
Note: You should read “3 Types of Death 1 Source of Life” before reading “What is a Born-Again Christian.” “3 Types of Death 1 Source of Life” provides a “broader foundation” for understanding spiritual death and why we need to be born again.
Foundation is comprised of biblically-based foundational principles for Christian living, and provides the groundwork for an eternal life in Heaven. It is written in a manner that is appropriate for all persons, including those who do not know Jesus Christ.
I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life. One of the most important, powerful and thought- provoking declarations Jesus Christ made is when
He said “I am the way, the truth, and the life.” But what’s more, He drew a spiritual and eternal “line in the sand” that separated Himself from all other attempts by man to reach God when He added, “No one comes to the Father except through Me.” John 14:6 This writing explores His proclamation because it defines His spiritual role between each of us and our Holy God
Truths Declared by Jesus Christ The declarations made by Jesus were comprised of spiritual truths that changes lives.
God’s 8 Covenants This lesson is based upon the past and present covenants made by God so that we may spiritually see: (1) how He will fulfill His remaining promises through His Son, Jesus Christ; (2) into His heart, and (3) His desires for each of us.
Rapture A biblical event will occur in the future that will have an unimaginable impact upon earth because many will disappear in an instant of time. This short lesson is about the four most common beliefs as
to when it will occur, and is relevant for every living person as we continually move towards (and get closer to) the last days.
Satan’s Prison There is a reason and source for all of the chaos in our world. It is caused by a delusional and influential angelic being—who led a heavenly insurrection to overthrow God and take His throne—failed, and was cast to earth as a punishment for
his crime. As such, many are not aware that we are living within Satan’s prison—as he seeks to destroy as many as possible while he waits for his final demise.
Unimaginable Darkness Christians must spiritually prepare for unimaginable darkness as the ability of evil forces to influence and manipulate darkened human minds via delusional lies will increase as we enter into the last days. The global influence of evil will magnify
beyond logical comprehension as new boundaries of inconceivable behavior are broken. That which seems shocking today will become commonplace as Satan—the abomination who causes desolation—is granted increased power to deceive and destroy.
Spiritual Warfare We have been purchased by the blood of the Lamb and are God’s property. As such, God has provided us with powerful strongholds to use when we engage in spiritual warfare. The objective of this lesson is for Christians to
recognize and use what God has given us to become victorious.
Prayer Prayer (or communicating with God) is a critical component of spiritual life. However, many Christians are not aware of the various aspects of effective prayer. This “foundational” lesson discusses the who, what, when, where and why prayer is important for all believers.
What is the Spiritual Status of Your Soul? Each of us has a soul that lives within our physical bodies. The purpose of this lesson is to facilitate introspection of our soul; learn more about ourselves;
identify aspects of our soul that are in alignment with God’s will, and determine areas where our soul can improve by becoming less like ourselves and more like Jesus—via the lesson content and with the assistance of a self-analysis tool.
Overcoming Anxiety and Fear During the Last Days As we enter into the last days, we will experience progressive degrees of anxiety and fear as the instability and chaos within
the world increases, as our feelings of security decreases, and as we grapple with future unknowns. This lesson defines the key difference between anxiety and fear, and describes different techniques to overcome our anxiety and fear.
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness.” Jesus declared those who seek righteousness are blessed—because (1) this desire is not normal to the common person, and (2) it is driven by the influence of the
Holy Spirit. This lesson reveals the dynamics that occurs when we hunger and thirst for righteousness, and explains the foundational requirement for attaining righteousness.
Signs and Wonders T o overcome our skeptical nature, God has used various signs and wonders to provide tangible evidence that confirms His spiritual authority, truth of what is spoken, and to magnify our belief in Him. However, Jesus warned that during the
last days, “False christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.” Matthew 24:24 These miracles will facilitate belief, submission, and worship of Satan and the beast. This lesson focuses upon signs and wonders, and how to identify and discern this powerful and unprecedented form of deception.
The Beast During the last days, a dismal and dark period of time (known as the Tribulation) is when the world will be influenced, dominated, and destroyed by a Satan-empowered person known as the Beast.
This lesson reveals what he will do; explains why God would allow the Beast to exist; describes possible ways he may enter into power; lists likely aspects of his persona; and examines the dire and unprecedented consequences of his satanically-driven influence upon the earth—all with the intent of thoughtfully considering what may occur as we prepare for the inevitable.
Wisdom is a highly valued treasure that is worthy of pursuit, but few find it because there is only one source: God. This lesson defines the difference between knowledge and wisdom; and compares human versus godly wisdom. For godly wisdom transforms
our perceptions from the earthly realm and into the spiritual realm as our understanding and discernment is illuminated by His truths.
Am I Good Enough To Get Into Heaven? This lesson is for those who think we can “earn” our way into heaven by good behavior. However, the Bible declares it’s not about our works…but it’s about God’s grace and our faith in what He has done for us!
From out of the obscure shadows we can increasingly see the influence of Satan’s lies and the multiple consequences of sin—as our empathy, and compassion, and love for those who are lost is magnified—for this is the heart of Jesus.
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“You did not choose Me, but I CHOOSE YOU.” God searches for hearts to redeem. Those whom He finds He (1) changes the desires of their heart, and (2) prepares them to spend eternity with Him. This lesson explains what happens to those whom God chooses.
Give God glory, honor, and praise—who searched our hearts; recognized our potential to love and serve Him; and changed us from darkness into light—for we are chosen and blessed beyond measure.
Are You Missing a Piece of the Puzzle? Similar to self-sustaining animals and plants, God created humans with all of the necessary attributes to facilitate life and population growth upon this planet. However, unlike animals and plants, He designed us with a
missing spiritual component: a “piece of the puzzle” that only He can place within us. Those who realize something is missing within their heart and soul are blessed because it opens the door to eternal fulfillment.
Tithe Tithing is much more than giving to a church. Tithing is an act of worship; an expression of our love for God; and an indicator of spiritual maturity. It also “opens the door” to experiencing multi-faceted blessings of serving others.
How to Study the Bible The Bible is not just a physical book with a cover and printed pages. It is God’s word; it is spiritual; it is a conduit to God; and it is a transformative tool used by the Holy Spirit to prepare Christians for eternity.
As such, it is imperative for us to study and internalize scripture—from Genesis to Revelation. This lesson provides an overview of how to study the Bible, and includes a listing of Bible study tools.
EMAIL Requests & Responses This lesson is a compilation of email responses to those who are going through trials and tribulations, and those who had questions related to their spirituality.
The Great Commission Our blessings are greatly magnified when we are used by God to touch the lives of others. This lesson explains the next step beyond salvation. Known as the Great Commission, Jesus instructed us to make disciples, baptize and teach.
4 Spiritual Truths That Determine Where Your Soul Will Spend Eternity There are four spiritual truths within the Bible that illuminates our relationship with God. As such, it is important for all persons to
understand each of these four truths—because how we respond to them will define where our soul will spend eternity.
Open Your Spiritual Eyes We are all born with an inability to see spiritually. However, those who are born again will experience an entirely new perspective as the “cataracts” are removed from our eyes so that we can see the influence of the
spiritual realm within ourselves, others, and upon the world.
Sanctification God’s Process of Spiritual Transformation Sanctification is a spiritual process of transformation that causes old things to pass away and all things to become new (2 Cor. 5:17).
But what’s more, it prepares Christians for eternity with God. Sanctification begins when we are born again (justification), continues throughout our life (maturation), and is finalized after we physically die (glorification).
Loving God This lesson reveals two powerful spiritual truths for those who seek God. The first is God is a loving God who desires a personal and loving relationship with each of us. The second is loving God in return — with all of our
being (heart, soul and mind)—which enables the Holy Spirit to fill us with the fulness of God, and to perfect us in the righteousness of Jesus Christ.